Lying on my back on a picnic table in the middle of Rec park is a great way for me to spend an early afternoon on my day off. The thick straight trunks of autumn trees shoot up all around me. Above, or should I say straight ahead, the sky may be a bleak grey, but there is an abundance or red and maroon leafy silhouettes making even above a beautiful part of this world. I love Rec park. I love October. I love New York. The rich green still pokes through here and there and this simply adds color to the carpet of red and yellow and orange and brown that, for a season, tries to hide the grass. No one who has lived in the midwest or the south can understand my feeble attempts to describe how the wind literally rustles its way through the trees and across the ground with leaves dancing in its wake. This gentle and sporadic breeze is natures whisper of peace and the distant sound of children playing on the playground a few hundred yards to the east only adds to the ambience. As I lay here on this picnic table I cannot help but begin to sing, You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious, You make everything glorious, and I am Yours what does that make me. After belting out David Crowders chorus a few times I begin to make up my own verses like, The day is grey but I still see the beauty of created things and As leaves, they fall down to the ground, Your awesome touch is all around, which leads me to believe, this leads me to believe that You make everything glorious As I am belting out the bridge again and thinking of what my next verse will be I begin to think how it is only through death that I am able to see this Thomas Kincaidesque environment. Just as the leaves have to fall to the ground and die for the full potential of their true beauty to be seen, so do I, the Spiritual seed, have to fall to the ground and die before fruit can come from my life. Even then, that fruit is only possible because Christ was lifted from this earth and died. In the instant that this all flashed through my mind, I made a not so graceful segue into Crystal Lewis The Beauty of the Cross. To be honest I dont know that one very well so after briefly trying to muddle through I fell to the safe haven of humming it. As I did I started watching what had to be at least 25 second graders in their humorous attempt at playing half court basketball. About once every three seconds the ball would raise itself above the heads of the kids moving in the general direction of the hoop. I think these were supposed to be shots but I was so far away and most were so low or poorly aimed that it could possibly have been a pass. You can never quite tell. Still humming away with my contented smile I began thinking about how my spiritual life is like one of those kids shooting that basketball. So often I fall so far short and so far off the mark, but it is guaranteed that, unperturbed, in a moment or two I will be trying again. In the meantime God is watching on, smiling, proud as any parent not at my occasional success, but rather at my effort. At my yearning. With this I begin to sing again at the top of my voice, Lord, I wanna yearn for You. I wanna burn with passion over You. And only You. As the minutes pass by I am still singing this Shane and Shane song until I see the bus coming up the road in the distance. Grabbing my day planner I leave the picnic table and make my way to the stop. Its time to head to campus and an interfellowship meeting. As the doors swing open and I step up I begin to sing the old Brownsville song, get on the bus, Gods on the move. Theres room for me and theres room for you
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There was a student I went to CBC with who said once that there is a worship song for every moment and every situation. At any given moment, all the time, she was constantly proving her point by spontaneously breaking out in a worship song that was appropriate to the moment or to something she saw. It was uncanny. I would call it a talent but it was more than that. For her it was a lifestyle. She had, rather, she has a heart literally overflowing in worship. Paul wrote, Instead, be filled with the Spirit. Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord. I cannot read this exhortation of how to live a Spirit filled life and not think of Katie. God, help that same attitude always be in me. Let it not just flow out on a beautiful Friday afternoon, but in every moment of my life.
Years ago, when I first heard Crystal Lewis sing, I was kind of uncomfortable with her voice. She's got a nasal quality that wasn't my style. I prefer Third Day and Todd Agnew or the inimitable Steven Curtis Chapman -- music that rolls over you or makes you hum along. Well, then I found her Spanish CD and there's something about her singing in Spanish that was much more to my liking. Well, I looked up that song just now and thought I'd send it along. http://www. youtube. com/watch?v=zKf1vu8JJU4