But let no man bring a charge, let no man accuse another.
(Hebrews 4:4 NIV)
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OK. So this one is like an emotional punch in the gut. I read it this morning and I thought: "Hmmm maybe I should pass over this part."
The thing is, by most people's standards I'm a pretty good guy. I've never touched a cigarette or done drugs. I don't sleep around. I've never been drunk. I'm active in my church and involved with what God is doing on campus. I've memorized multiple books of the Bible. I give too much of my money and time to social causes.
The problem is, I know people see me as a pretty good guy. I also know how far in my heart and mind I fall short from the image I let others see of me. I'm afraid that sooner or later people will find out how human I really am. It is as a result of this fear, a result of this insecurity, that I have developed my worst habit.
I've always admired people like Jaime Barkwell and the rest of the Terry family for the way they are always so encouraging and uplifting. It seems like anytime you have a conversation with her, you come away feeling like gold. It's a character trait that I would love to emulate but all too often I find myself doing the opposite. I have a talent for words. A gift. But all too often I abuse it by using my gift to hurt others. Too often I find myself using my tongue as a razor cutting right to the faults of others. I think subconsciously that I feel this somehow keeps my own faults hidden . God help me. I am the accuser of my brethren.