Eckhart Tolle. A New Earth:Awakening To Your Life's Purpose. It's not a book I've read, but as I stand here looking at it, I am wondering why it is so familiar. The name and the title do not ring a bell. The cover is nothing to shout at. But I should know this book, or this author... why? It is the little blue circle that triggers the connection for me.
One day I will get published for more than an advertisement or two that I am not even allowed to attach my name to. One day I will have a few of my own works lining the shelves of Barnes and Nobles. Just like any author, a part of me would love to have a little blue circle like that on my books. That circle would make me almost a shoe in for the Reader's Digest top ten list. That little blue mark would guarantee that I would double or even triple my sales. That little blue circle is like a dream come true: it is Oprah Winfrey's seal of approval. Oh, and Eckhart Tolle, he's the co-founder of what that youtube blurb is calling "the Church of Oprah".
In the literary world Oprah is like Midas. Her touch is gold. But even Midas recognized that his touch had a cost. What is hers? I could write a book that I know she would like (if she ever noticed it out of the thousands of others clamouring for her attention). I could slap together a novel about triumph in the face of adversity that radiantly highlights the beauty of all people and all cultures. I could write nonfiction about tapping my inner potential and creating an better me. But beyond fattening my wallet, what good would it do? Truth does not always feel good or tickle your ears.
No. I will write Truth. I will speak plainly that all roads do not lead to heaven. I will not simply seek to make you happier, more focused and more fulfilled on your way to hell. As much as I would like to tap into the golden touch, I'd rather not. Oprah, you can keep your little blue circle. And to authors like Tolle, and Williamson, and Chopra, and Rhonda Byrne, and Elisabeth Gilbert, and to Oprah herself, I have only one thing to say:
"But there were false prophets among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you. They will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the sovereign Lord who bought them... Many will follow their shameful ways and will bring the way of the Truth into disrepute. In their greed these teachers will exploit you with stories they have made up... For such men are false apostles, deceitful workmen, masquerading as apostles of Christ. And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. Their end will be what their actions deserve."
Oh, let's not go there. I have had so many opinions about Oprah (grin) I know what Oprah stands for on some levels, and she has done much good. Yet, I know that there seems to be another side to her where it seems like the cross is set aside for a lighter, fluffier, other-than-Christ-centered ideal. I don't know what to think about that. I don't want to know until God himself reveals it to me. Until then, I only know that I'll pray for her. (That level of trust and confidence placed upon her has to be a heavy burden. )
I want to gain a large readership. I think I have a lot to say. But, like you, I'm determined to shine the light of Christ wherever I go, and if that has to mean no blue circles, so be it. (smile)
This made me laugh. Oprah is not the Holy person people put her up to be. She supports ungodly and promotes social degeneration. I'm glad YOU too see this important fact.
Slowly claps hands as he rises to his feet and then claps louder and faster....
She is right about one thing.
All roads do lead to God. You can die in a Car Wreck, Have a heart attack or jump off a building and miss the pool. You'll get to God...but some only for a few moments and you plead Lord Lord..and he says Depart from me, workers of iniquity...I never knew You.
now that Tom Cruise has become a pairah, I like him. He's rich, weird and devoted to a strange and possibly evil cause. The female public has turned on him and now some senile old coot billionaire has publicly denounced him. Lets look at his movie output: war of the worlds, minority report, collateral, magnolia(not my favorite, but cool), born on the 4th, eyes wide shut. some strange and cool movies in addition to the **** popcorn movies he puts out. if he keeps up this current fabulous PR campaign, he will be a figurative, as well as a literal, cult leader.