Hey, this is your friendly neighborhood moderator, beejai, dropping in and explaining how this topic works. Most of the posts that I will originate will be based on what Im gonna call the 5 Rs. Thats Read, Relate, Respond, Request, and Reply.
Read - This topic is supposed to stay related to the through the Bible reading program found in Charles Stanleys Life Principles Daily Bible. Ill post what the days scripture segment so that if anyone doesnt have it, they can still follow along, but I would recommend everyone getting one since there C Stanley has a lot of great insights. Ill also put up the verse (or verses) that triggered the thought of whatever I wrote below.
Relate - Here I might go more in depth in the background of what were reading or I might tie in another story from the Bible or daily life. Basically, Im letting you in on whatever God (or too much pepperoni on my pizza last night) brought to my mind as I read the scripture above.
Respond - This is the practical segment. The wise man on the rock wasnt the one who just heard Jesus words. He was the one who hears them and then puts them into practice. Its good for us to spend time getting into Gods word, but its great when we turn it around and flesh it out in our daily lives.
Request - Prayer requests. Pretty simple. Sometimes they might be from within the church, sometimes it might be national or global needs. But theres always something God can bring to our attention that we can be intercessors about.
Reply - Please. I beg you. If something I wrote triggered a thought, post it. If you thought of a better or easier way to say the same thing I did, post it. If God showed you something different from the daily reading, post it. Lets get interactive on here. Whatever you do post it.