Just came across a profound quote in a most unlikely of places. It probably loses some of its impact when pulled out of context, but I'm going to share it anyways.
War has its necessities, and I have always understood that. Always known the cost. But, this day, by my own hand,have realized something else. War is not a natural state. It is an imposition, and a damned unhealthy one. With its rules, we willingly yield our humanity. Speak not of just causes, worthy goals. We are takers of life. Servants of [the Devil], one and all.
- Steven Erikson Memories of Ice (spoken by the commander of an army after a victorious battle)
What I mean by 'Holy war'- we kill sin, cast out demon's-we attack the enemy in a sense there.
But then I think, it's not us fighting the battle- it's God himself who intervenes, without His efforts we are helpless.
I was just thinking why, why do people (men in particular) have the desire in them to fight and kill....I thought maybe it's just carnal, the flesh side which longs to sin.
But I wasn't satisfied with that answer, then I thought that there is only one righteous war (spiritual) and maybe that's why people have that sort of desire in them, to fight. Then I was thinking about how there were many wars in the bible, and it was only to fight off people who attacked them. Like the Israelites in the dessert when God helped them fight...I guess God takes the life of people. Maybe the motive behind it has to be right-to deffend and not attack.
So what is the point of war and is it righteous?
I really like this quote and I think it really sums it up. War does have it's necessities but it means people are-takers of life and they become servants of the Devil. After all, isn't he the reason we face spiritual battles!?