How blessed are those who dwell in Your house,Who's lives become roads that You travelThey wind through the valley'sTo the light of the sun
One day in this beautiful place, to worship Your house is our home, where our faces Will shine in the light of the son
Our God reigns
Our God reigns
Our God reigns
Above all
Do you have any songs that bring up a very specific memory or image? I have a couple and I believe this song I posted above has recently been added to that list.
As I've said in another blog before, I love sunrises. When I was working security for CBC I got to see them almost daily while eating breakfast sitting on a certain hill overlooking our pond. The sun would rise up from the tree line on the far side of that same body of water. Those that went to CBC know exactly where I'm talking about. It is where we had the CMF bonfires every fall. I still believe that there is no better way to start a morning than how I was privileged to do so many mornings that school year.
Anyways, this past Sunday I decided that the weather had finally warmed up enough for me to walk to church. So I popped in the CD Jesus Is by Hillsongs London and set out sometime before seven. It was still a bit chilly, but it was a refreshing cold. You could just barely see your breath, but the almost clear sky promised a drastic increase in temperature as the sun climbed in the sky. But that was for later. For the early part of my walk I learned quickly by experience that I needed to be most attentive to patches of black ice.
The most fun part of walking to church is that the second half of the journey is up a formidable hill that, depending on my walking speed, takes between 30-45 minutes to climb. I was just beginning that part of my trek when this songs came up on my CD and I put it on continual repeat. Something else was just starting to happen right about the same time. Off to my right what had been a grayish light horizon was beginning to manifest an array of warm colors. A series of clouds were gathering on the eastern horizon and as they did so, the not yet visible sun was painting their edges in hues of orange and yellow and reddish pink.
Although it was not windy, there was just enough breeze to keep those clouds and lights dancing in ever new formations. My pace increased as I climbed ever higher up my mountain. My face was set constantly looking to my right as I could not take my eyes off this wonderful display of God's glory. My mind was set that I must arrive at this certain spot before the sun crested the horizon. As I climbed the skyline also continued to morph as I passed various trees and houses that provided a dark foreground to the brilliant backdrop behind them.
I did not quite get to where I wanted to be, but I did make it to the top of the hill. Right at the summit there was a telephone pole that I leaned against to watch the glorious moment. From my vantage point I could see that the sun had already risen over the valley I wanted to be in on the far side. I could also see the sunlight crawling ever lower down the house that was above and behind me. From this spot, looking east there were two evergreens that almost came together in my line of sight and I was guessing that the sun would rise exactly at the base of the V they created. I was right.
I was almost in tears as I watched the rays push their way through the lower branches and then, finally, the Son arrived. As cars whipped by in front of me I raised my arms in worship as I sang along with this song that I was now hearing for at least the tenth time. As the sun became fully manifest above and beyond the trees, I closed my eyes and simply basked in the warmth of its radiance.
There is nothing like a beautiful sunrise and this morning I had been blessed with one of the best. There is something about the promise of a fresh new day, combined with the faithfulness of its regularity, added to the pure beauty of its brilliance that make it one of God's greatest simple blessings. It is a foretaste of what heaven will be like. It is a reminder that He is advancing His kingdom here on earth. That He does reign above all. It is beauty.